
Earth Day Tokyo 2015


This year was also able to go to Earth Day in Yoyogi Park.
I think that to think about the earth there is between them in there is the Great East Japan Earthquake Fukushima first nuclear power plant accident everyone has become many but the eighth consecutive year. This year I folded telling himself bomb experience to come is more of survivors 86 years old from Hiroshima. I think the preciousness of peace again to become a post-war '70 this year. The ages and is going peace is best. We do not and cry to become arrogant and grateful that it has gotten alive on Earth, not go hand firmly inherited the art of co-exist with forests and all living creatures. Such a thing and I thought it was looking up at the sky of blue early spring of Yoyogi Park.


文京区小石川植物園に行ってきました。/I went to Bunkyo-ku Koishikawa Botanical Gardens.

桜は散ってしまったと言うのに少し肌寒い東京です。今日は文京区にある小石川植物園に行ってきました。丸ノ内線、茗荷谷駅より播磨坂の桜並木を抜け徒歩20分でそこは東京とは思えない小石川植物園です ♪ 正式名称:東京大学大学院理学系研究科附属植物園と長い…(笑) 正門が何処かも分からないようなシブイ植物園ですが本当に時間がゆっくり流れていますよ。
Sakura iI went to Koishikawa Botanical Garden in Bunkyo today. Marunouchi Line, where a 20-minute walk missing the cherry trees of Harima slope .♪ official name: Koishikawa Botanical Gardens and long ... main gate There is a bitter Botanical Gardens, such as do not know somewhere is flowing really time slowly.


I Love Buffalo ’66

I Love Buffalo '66
不器用な二人の愛の物語なんだけど当時は特にChristina Ricciが好きで(今も好きだけど)何回も繰返し観てたな。ボーリング場でレイラ(Christina Ricci)がダンスするシーンは本当にキュート。

Billy and Leila of story. "Buffalo '66" is director work of 1998 Vincent Gallo. Japan version of catch copy "the worst of me, angel of mighty came." It was also seen repeatedly clumsy two people at that time and I'm love story of love especially Christina Ricci (It 's now also like) many times. Really cute scene that Leila (Christina Ricci) is to dance in the bowling alley.


Cherry Nakameguro in like a cherry carpet.


Cherry Nakameguro in like a cherry carpet. Branches every year has become thick. Wonderful cherry blossoms me also come and go people become everyone smile.