
Toronagashi【Lantern sink】 of 8/6 Hiroshima Peace message 

8/6ピースメッセージ広島元安川の灯籠流しも 無事に行われたのだな。昨日news23で綾瀬はるかが広島の語り部さんインタビュー被爆者の方も高齢でどう次の世代に平和の尊さを伝えていくか苦悩されてる姿が考えさせられた。

Also Toronagashi【Lantern sink】 of 8/6 Hiroshima Peace message Motoyasu
It's been done safely. Figure that has been suffering How do we convey the preciousness of peace to the next generation in the elderly got me thinking of some people interviewed survivors storyteller's Hiroshima Ayase Haruka in news23 yesterday.