ヘッドホンからはノラ・ジョーンズのdon't know whyが流れている。
Announcement of "is soon Kyoto" is heard, I'm writing while eating chocolate pain of Takaki Bakery at Nozomi 20 for Tokyo 15 car.
Do not know why of Norah Jones is flowing from the headphones.
(Still New Year's card also wants I do not write to the one)
Happy new year ♪
Thank you also whether this year!
You can match the good old friends or startle the transfiguration of the station and the station and back to Hiroshima to 1 years.
Once back in the home where he was shoveling snow become a New Year of snow ☃.
When No way 25cm also accumulate word ((((; ° Д °)))))))
And while a sound of rattles and chain in the snowstorm winding the chain to car tires of front-wheel drive in Hiroshima city ...
Anyway home was cold in -4~-8 ℃.
It was the New Year's holiday of such noisily and I was allowed to pretty diversion.
I hear impossible I have a feeling of gratitude to the people who became the first and the care health taboo.
There, I come home hiroshima carp Kuroda! And There in Hiroshima was greeting instead of the usual.
so i thought that Kuroda if there is painful thing.