
こけし祭りin鳴子2014/Kokeshi Festival in Naruko 2014

第60回全国こけし祭鳴子温泉郷にやって来ました! 仙台からみのり号に乗り換えて松島や田園に点在しているシロサギをながめつつ鳴子温泉駅に到着すると硫黄のにおいがしてきてまた鳴子にきたと実感。 鳴子のゆるキャラ"なるこちゃん"に迎えられて改札を抜けて郵便局に行くと こけし郵便ポストが出来ていてクリビツ! 夜はこけしパレードに今年も参加してそれはそれは真夏の夜の夢でやした♪

I came to the 60th Annual Festival Kokeshi Naruko Onsen! Realize that came to Naruko smell of sulfur is also becoming more Upon arrival in Naruko Onsen Station while looking at the Shirosagi that dot the countryside and Matsushima by transfer to fruitful degree from Sendai. Kuribitsu Kokeshi post has been able to go to the post office by exiting the ticket gate and are greeted by a character "Naruko-chan" loose of Naruko! ♪ It was a Midsummer Night's Dream palm it to participate again this year in Kokeshi parade night